Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reuniting with Rugby (the game not the solvent)

No pads. No helmets. Just balls.

I am currently chatting with this old friend of mine. She (that's right, she's a girl) asked me if I was still busy during the afternoons. And I said that I wasn't. Then, she invited me back to join the regular rugby practices held at Cebu City Sports Complex, which will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 P.M.

I was reluctant at first. Being the fat ass that I am, I was afraid of being ridiculed of the belly that I am currently sporting. And pretty much all the exercise that I get is when I raise the remote up and down in a sort-of legitimate sport of channel surfing, and chasing after my dogs when bath time comes around is all the running I get. So, now, you could imagine how out of shape I have become.

After a barrage of pleadings, I decided to take the offer. Tomorrow, 6:30 P.M. What more could I lose, right? If things go smoothly, I might shed off this weight which would actually be pretty beneficial for me.

So, after this blog post, I will be off to search for my ever elusive pair of never-been-used spiked shoes and getting some shut-eye to prepare mentally.

I'm in for a beating tomorrow.

The future with washboard abs and toned bod is coming into focus now...


  1. How's the practice? It went well? First time here!

  2. Hey, Xall... Thanks for the visit and comment... Rugby practice was good, but only until that night. Had muscle soreness the days after... Hahahah... Haven't played in a while

  3. hahaha, not the solvent. Tig duwa mo nila Tonette Gambito noh? :)

  4. Heya John... Yeah, I know Tonette Gambito. Though I haven't seen her recently.

    My work sked's kinda hectic nowadays, though. Hoping I could practice again.


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